01 July 2024

SAQA Atlantic Region - Navigating

This juried quilt exhibition features 14 art quilts created by 12 members of the Studio Art Quilt Associates, Atlantic Canada. This showcase offers a unique perspective on how we explore our paths through life – whether it’s in nature, through travel, or in personal journeys.

The quilts invite viewers to embark on their own visual voyage, led by the intricate stitches and vibrant colours. Each piece becomes a compass, guiding us as the North Star guides sailors across vast oceans. These textile masterpieces celebrate the artistry of their creators, while also reminding us to navigate with intention and curiosity.

Navigating was juried by Brigette Clavette, Head of Jewellery/Metal Arts and instructor at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design from 1985-2017. Brigette Clavette currently teaches part-time and devotes herself to her artistic practice.

The exhibit premiered on July 1, 2024, at the Samson Gallery at the Museum of Industry, Nova Scotia and will travel through June 2026.


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