14 April 2015

How to add the SAQA logo to a Blogger blog

At the retreat Holly McLean asked about how to add the SAQA logo to the sidebar of a blog which is created on Blogger. I wrote out the instructions and thought it might be helpful to share them here. You can use the same technique to add other images to your sidebar.

Please note that as members you are allowed to use the SAQA logo on your blog or website but you are asked to link it to the SAQA website.

You can find the SAQA logo here on the SAQA website. It is only available after you sign in as a member. Copy it to your own computer. Then follow these instructions.

1. Choose Layout from the menu on the left side of your Blogger page.
2. Choose Add a Gadget. It will be on the page at the top of the area where your sidebar appears ( probably right side)
3. Scroll through the list until you get to the gadget called Image. Select it.
4. You must enter a title for your image (it will appear above the image). You could use Atlantic Canada or Proud Member or I Belong or something like that.
5. Decide on whether you want a caption (will appear below the image and is optional). Enter the caption. 
6. Add the link to SAQA. The full link should appear as http://www.saqa.com
7. Select the option where you will choose file from your computer. 
8. Click on Shrink to Fit button.
9. Click on Choose File button. Identify and download your image.
10. Click on Save.
11. Your image will now be at the top of your sidebar. To move it, go back to Layout and then you can click and drag to change the order of the gadgets in the sidebar. 
12. Click on Save Arrangement on top right of page. 

If you are using Wordpress and would like similar instructions, please get in touch with me.

Chris Nielsen

1 comment:

  1. Good idea to add this, Christine. I did it, so anyone can.
